Monday 9 July 2012

Made in England - worth spending an extra few bob

When you buy clothing with a Made in England label, what do you think of......quality, trust, heritage? 
These are all qualities you would come to expect when you see those 3 words, but of course there is literally a price to pay for the confidence that comes from purchasing clothing which has been produced in England.

As instead of out sourcing work to foreign lands where there is an abundance of cheap labour and manufacture costs are low, when something is produced in this country it is subjected to a rigorous process which is overseen by skilled tradesman and artisans who are extremely proud of their craft.  On visits to suit manufacturers and cloth mills, I have seen first hand the level of perfection these people strive to achieve consistently on a daily basis.  It is engrained in them and it is people like these that helped to make Britain great and continue to spread the reputation of garment manufacture in this country as being amongst the best in the world.
Garment manufacture in this country has been sadly unsupported for so long that there just isn't the same number of factories or skilled people wanting to work in them as there was in the past.  Meaning that the manufacturers that are left, are much in demand and are fairly small operations.  Small specialised factories with little competition means prices get pushed up. 

Yes it may be a bit more pricey to buy a suit made in England than it would to buy a suit made in say
China, but you will inherently be buying a better garment as we set the standard in this country as to how things should be made and others copy and catch up but we will always have that head start and level of consistency that make buying British worth the extra few quid.  And maybe more importantly you can wear your clothes with a clear conscience knowing you own something of quality and are doing your bit to support British manufacture. 

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